Game Master’s Guide
RPG/Game Master’s Guide
“You squint your eyes against the glaring sun and the world slowly comes into focus.
“You rise from the ground and inspect your surroundings.
“You appear to be in some kind of alley. You see garbage strewn about the dried mud. An old mangy dog looks at you with confusion then runs away.
“The buildings on either side of you are made of packed mud and straw and are painted in garash colours, bright red and aquamarine blue. Above in the sky you see movement. Some kind of airship floats by.
“You’re so confused. Where are you?
“You look down at yourself. You’re wearing a strange costume, flowing robes with bright colours to match the adobe buildings.
“You hear groans from around the corner. You discover three other people who look just as confused as you. You recognize these people, though you can’t quite tell how.
“Why can’t you remember?”
Welcome to the Twilight Histories Table Top Role Playing Game (TTRPG), an interactive adventure game based on the podcast.
As the Game Master, YOU get to build your own world and place your characters into it.
Perhaps your group will have to survive in a Mongol world filled with violence and war. Or will your characters explore the streets of a steampunk Corinth? Will this be a murder mystery set in the House of Wisdom of a futuristic Baghdad? Or will your characters quest for a lost treasure more ancient than the pyramids?
With the Twilight Histories sandbox, the only limitation is what you can dream.
In the following sections, you will discover how to build a world, create a campaign, help your players build their characters and finally launch your first sessions.