Your Stories
Are you looking for content for your podcast? The Twilight Histories is offering you high quality stories you can use. Browse through these sample shows. If you like one, use it. If you’d like something more specific, let us know and perhaps we can arrange a custom story.
Let me (Jordan Harbour) know if you’re going to use one of these stories, and please give credit to the Twilight Histories to let your audience know where they can hear more.
Frozen Earth
Something has hurled the Earth out of its orbit and it is plummeting out of the solar system. Survivors have gone underground. You will join a group of scavengers lost on the surface.
The Paris Event
An asteroid strike in 1911 known as the Tunguska Event struck the centre of Paris instead of Siberia. You will join a fisherman trying to find his wife among the ruins.
Lakota Thunder
Wounded Knee saw perhaps the greatest massacre of the Indian Wars and broke the back of the plains Indians. But what if the spirit of an ancestor returned with a destructive weapon and changed the course of history?